Professional & friendly training enhances experiences at Acoem

Training was held at the Acoem South Australia offices to bring customers up to speed on how to use different instruments, units, and software.

Simec, who mainly work with Acoem for the Bearing Defender and Falcon products, attended and enjoyed their time at the Adelaide office. The relationship, which has spanned over a year now, is based on mutual respect, and a common interest to get things done in the most efficient way possible.

Wireless set-up and quick readings are just a few of the benefits of the Falcon unit, and being able to showcase this live to anyone interested, makes it a big step forward from the old, clunky and difficult equipment previously used.

Providing quick service and instrument maintenance turnaround, Simec’s positive experience of the Acoem products was only enhanced by the training.

“Everything was excellent, the versatility of the Falcon is amazing,” Ian Leahy from Simec, located in Whyalla, which is 4 hours north of Adelaide, commented on the training.

“The training met our expectations, and all of our questions were answered, Mathew was great and very hands-on, making sure everyone understood” he added.

Mathew Smart has a philosophy of delivering training in a push-pull function, letting the trainees take the lead and adapts the training to suit the audience, which was very well received.

Tinkering with the equipment, going through the products and ensuring understanding between trainer and trainee is coherent is essential for effective knowledge retention. Doing this part first, then adding the extended training on afterwards was a good way to conduct the two days.

If you or your team are interested in the Falcon, Bearing Defender, training, or condition monitoring, please contact us.

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