Accreditation and certification

Your guarantee of quality & professionalism

Organisational accreditation verifies that the company you are placing your trust in not only performs work of the highest quality, but it also has sound administrative, financial, operational and oversight procedures. This is especially important when it comes to the service and calibration of your environmental monitoring equipment, where you need to be assured that your instruments operate with exact precision and have been professionally calibrated against a reference standard. Moreover, for compliance with government regulations, you need to feel confident that the data you capture is both traceable and beyond reproach. Our globally recognised accreditation by leading authorities acts as independent verification that our products and services meet agreed standards.

How our global ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation ensures your data precision

All of Acoem’s manufacturing; service and calibration; and research and development facilities are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited. As a globally recognised standard of competency ISO/IEC 17025 facilitates international cooperation by establishing wider acceptance of laboratory test results between countries and organisations. This not only provides global confidence in the work we perform but also supports our ability to trade internationally through the acceptance of test and calibration data between countries, without the need for additional testing.

ISO/IEC 17025 plays a major role in supporting the creation of our accurate and reliable results from laboratory testing, calibration, sampling and measurement services across our various facilities. It provides a widely recognised framework for the acceptance of test and calibration data, promoting confidence in technical decision-making as enables meaningful comparison of outputs from multiple sources. Moreover, ISO/IEC 17025 underpins the technical infrastructure of the entire scientific research community and is therefore the single most important accreditation a laboratory can hold. 

As an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited organisation, Acoem laboratories and technicians continually demonstrate that they:

  • Operate competently
  • Can generate valid results
  • Are able to plan and address risks and opportunities
  • Can act impartially
  • Have consistent laboratory operations

In addition to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 we also are certified for:

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018.

NATA accreditation, Australia

The National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) is the recognised leading accreditation authority for internationally recognised standards across a broad range of industries from mining and construction to health, environment and agriculture. Every member of our technical team is certified by NATA for their skills, professionalism and workmanship. An essential component of our NATA accreditation is the fact that all our facilities and services are also ISO 17025 certified, which ensures that our procedures and methods are reviewed periodically and that we are following best practice as required. 

The Acoem Service & Calibration Centre is assessed and audited by NATA every 18 months, including on-site technical & practical audits. This ongoing verification confirms that Acoem technicians and engineers are technically competent, use validated procedures, and that their references and standards have unbroken traceability chains to international standards.

MEASNET certification

Our Acoem Australasia Service & Calibration Centre wind tunnel is the only lab in the Southern Hemisphere that is accredited by the International Network for Harmonised and Recognised Measurements in Wind Energy (MEASNET), the global authority on wind sensor calibration and wind energy measurement. 

There are only nine MEASNET-accredited facilities in the world, certified to perform calibrations of wind energy sensors or anemometers. Acoem Australasia is now the only one outside Europe and North America. That is a game changer for wind farms across the region. Custom-designed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Acoem wind tunnel is the largest of its kind in Australia and is also the country’s only NATA/ISO 17025 accredited wind tunnel for the calibration of all types of anemometers.

Noise monitoring

IEC 61672-1:2002 and BS EN 61672-1:2003 (Class 1)

All Acoem noise monitoring instruments are manufactured according to IEC 61672-1:2013 and BS EN 61672-1:20013 (Class 1) requirements. These regulations provide internationally recognised electro-acoustical performance specifications for three kinds of sound measuring instruments: 

  • A conventional sound level meter that measures exponential time-weighted sound level
  • An integrating-averaging sound level meter that measures time-average sound level
  • An integrating sound level meter that measures sound exposure level. 

A single instrument may make any, or all, of the three kinds of measurements. Two performance categories, Class 1 and Class 2, are specified in this standard. In general, specifications for Class 1 and Class 2 sound level meters have the same design goals and differ mainly in the tolerance limits and the range of operational temperatures. 

Tolerance limits for Class 2 specifications are greater than, or equal to, those for Class 1 specifications. Acoem sound level meters (Class 1) conform to the requirements of this standard and have a specified frequency response for sound incident on the microphone from one principal direction in an acoustic free field or from random directions.

COFRAC accreditation, France

Our laboratory located in Lissieu, France is accredited by COFRAC according to ISO 17025 for testing of sound level meters according to IEC61672-3:2014 (accreditation n°1-6469) and calibration of sound calibrators according to IEC60942:2017, annex B (accréditation n°2-6372), scope available on
COFRAC is  the French national authority that assesses competence and impartiality of laboratories and certification or inspection bodies. This accreditation guarantees the accuracy of all measurements captured by your Acoem device. “COFRAC accreditation validates the competence of our laboratory and the quality and impartiality of our results. The application of ISO / IEC 17025 to our calibration and testing activities ensures that we are in control of the entire measurement chain, including uncertainty calculation.”


European accreditation

Because COFRAC is signatory of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) and of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (Ilac) multilateral agreement,  COFRAC accredited reports issued by ACOEM France laboratory  are internationally recognised in countries that have signed the ILAC multilateral agreement. The Service & Calibration Centre of ACOEM France is also approved by french authorities according to ISO 17020 for legal metrology and periodic verification of sound level meters.


The Acoem process 

In addition to our local and international accreditation with globally recognised standards and authorities, when it comes to the service, calibration and/or repair of your monitoring instrument, it is our working methodology that sets us apart. It is based on a strong foundation of process disciplines and a philosophy of continuous improvement, which allows us to deliver service with excellence and uncompromising quality each time.  High standards and exceptional capabilities allow us to respond to customer’s needs with promptness and due care.

Advantages of having your monitoring equipment serviced by an accredited facility

We have invested significant time and resources into achieving and maintaining our various accreditations. The benefits of trusting your monitoring equipment to an accredited and certified testing or service laboratory are numerous, including: 

  • Eliminate the risk of defects, inferior workmanship or technical incompetence
  • Avoid the cost of a supplementary or additional inspection
  • All work is guaranteed
  • All reports are verified for legal and/or regulatory compliance.

Learn more about our Calibration services

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