Using monitoring technology to protect industry alongside the environment
Nicholas Dal Sasso, (former) Managing Director, Acoem Environment welcomes the increased focus on the wellbeing of people in Victoria:
“Some businesses across industry, and particularly those working with Acoem Australasia, have already focused their attention on protecting the wellbeing of staff and residents by increasing monitoring capabilities. This change in legislation demonstrates a government commitment to further this focus and draw on the advances in environmental protection that have arisen through new technologies, research and industry.”
For the past 40 years, Acoem Australasia has been supporting businesses in their efforts to minimise environmental harm. It has done this by working with industry to design, manufacture and implement environmental monitoring systems that produce high quality, reliable data to internationally accredited standards. The resultant data can then be used by industry and government to ensure regulations are being met. And should circumstances so demand, Acoem Australasia is one of the few environmental monitoring companies in Australia with the accredited systems and processes needed to provide data reliable enough for use in legal proceedings.