Real time dust monitors

If dust is dynamic, why should dust monitoring be static?

Whether it is deep in a mine pit or on a city construction site, excessive dust levels pose a rising challenge to the health and safety of workers and communities. Monitoring this constantly shifting particulate matter is critical.

Hyperlocal dust mapping on a browser-based dashboard

DustRover™ can effectively monitor emissions from all haul road traffic, which can be a major contributing factor to overall mine site dust levels. If left uncontrolled, dust can become a significant health and safety hazard.

DustRover™ can also monitor track temperature and humidity, help to reduce the cost of tyre wear and tear, and enhance water truck intervention efficiency.

Learn more about our Dust Rover

LIDAR, a complete dust measurement and monitoring system

The Integro™ LIDAR Network is a turnkey solution that effectively and efficiently monitors on-site dust levels and displays data in near-real time, providing accurate feedback to enable dust mitigation strategies including suppression systems.

Learn more about LIDAR

See it in action

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