The world-class Acoem Aurora™ integrating nephelometer range at EAC 2017 in Zurich

30 August 2017

The annual European Aerosol Conference (EAC) brings together researchers, government agencies, product manufacturers and experts from around the world to discuss the latest theoretical, experimental and applied aspects of aerosol science.

Acoem, a global leader in air quality monitoring, is proud to participate in EAC 2017 taking place 27 Aug-1 Sept in Zurich, Switzerland and showcase its range of Aurora™ integrating nephelometers. As the signature aerosol monitoring and atmospheric research product in Acoem’s extensive line of monitoring products, Aurora™ offers distinctive features, exceptional support and maintenance by Acoem Australasia and its partner network worldwide.

One monitor with multiple applications

Acoem Aurora™ integrating nephelometers measure the light scattering coefficient of ambient aerosols with high sensitivity and time resolution, in a wide range of monitoring and research applications related to air pollution and climate. It monitors visibility in haze; smog; dust and sandstorms; and bushfires, just to name a few. It also correlates well with PM2.5 mass measurement to monitor industrial and automotive pollution caused by diesel emissions in the air.

Introducing new Aurora options

Acoem recently introduced two new options to enhance the Aurora™ range. The first is the addition of an optional Automated Ball Valve. This allows users to maintain sample flow, even during calibration. This is particularly beneficial for applications that utilise a common sampling manifold.

The second new option is the Mass Flow Controller (MFC) which enables the user to accurately control the air flow through the instrument.

For customers already using Acoem Aurora™ nephelometers, the Automated Ball Valve can be self-fitted, whereas the MFC can be retrofitted by Acoem Australasia.

Precision monitoring and data collection at every level

Atmospheric scientists and environmental agencies around the world rely on Aurora™ integrating nephelometers as the most accurate, flexible and cost-effective way to monitor the dispersal of natural and artificial aerosols in the air. These include:

  • The Centre for Atmosphere Watch and Services (China)
  • The Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) in Spain
  • Multiple state environmental protection agencies in Australia
  • The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in projects across Indonesia, Chile, Vietnam and Kenya

Aurora’s portability and versatility means it can be used in even the most isolated locations for long term monitoring. The entire Aurora™ range (from the entry level Aurora™ 1000 up to the top specification Aurora™ 4000 Polar) offers total remote control including calibration and is fully integrated with Acoem AirodisTM software for precision data collection, validation and reporting.

Best-in-class Aurora™ 4000 Polar with three wavelength capability provides measurements of light scattering within up to 18 user-selected angular sectors, utilising varied backscatter shutter positioning. Like all of the Aurora™ range, the Aurora™ 4000 Polar is easy to use, maintain and calibrate.

Acoem: Working with the scientific community to solve global problems

Acoem Australasia’s Engineering, Research and Development Manager, Grant Kassell and his team continue to work closely with scientists around the world to ensure that its Aurora™ integrating nephelometers and complementary accessories and components meet the growing demands of the global scientific community.

“We’re looking forward to being part of EAC 2017 and convening with our environmental research colleagues to discuss the impact of aerosols,” said Grant. “We welcome the opportunity to constantly innovate and enhance the Aurora™ range to provide the best nephelometers on the market,” he added.

To find out more, visit the Acoem Australasia team at booth #24 at EAC 2017, or contact Felicity Sharp, Country Operating Officer, Acoem UK at


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