Acoem’s DDP measurement technology can help reduce monitor service intervals.

Acoem’s range of continuous emission monitors include simple-to-install single and double pass dust monitors that use DDP technology (dynamic detection principle) to measure the concentration of dust or particulate matter in exhaust gas passing through a duct, stack or flue.

The innovative DDP technique, sometimes referred to as scintillation or dynamic opacity, measures fluctuations in the intensity of a light beam as it passes across the stack. Increased dust or particulate density in the stack causes the amplitude of these fluctuations to rise. When calibrated against standard reference measurements, the amplitude of this signal relates directly to the dust concentration in the stack and this can be presented as a reading in mg/m³.

A major advantage of DDP over opacity measurements is that the signal is almost independent of the mean transmission value. As a result, maintenance periods can be extended because the instrument can tolerate higher levels of optical contamination and greater optical misalignment before the measurement sensitivity is adversely affected. This can help reduce costs and downtime.

For more information about Acoem’s range of smoke, dust and particulate monitors please visit or contact us.

by | July 13, 2020
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