Acoem Serinus® Gas Analysers Approved by LCSQA

31 May 2018

Acoem Australasia (formerly known as Ecotech) became part of Acoem in 2017.

It immediately commenced the process of seeking regulatory approval for its range of Serinus™ ambient and trace gas analysers from the Laboratoire Central de Surveillance de la Qualité de l’Air (LCSQA) – the peak body responsible for the technical coordination of France’s air quality monitoring system.

On 15 March 2018, the LCSQA steering committee approved that SERINUS analysers conformed with French national standards and regulations.

This is a significant milestone for Acoem to celebrate. It helps accelerate our ability to deliver products and services to industry, academia and government agencies across France,” said Felicity Sharp, Country Operating Officer, Acoem UK.

“The Serinus LCSQA approval allows Acoem to position itself as a significant player in the French air quality market,” commented Arnaud Lopez, (former) Business Developer, Acoem Environment.

Acoem Australasia is a global pioneer and leading authority on the design, manufacture, installation and operation of ambient and trace gas analysers. The Acoem range of Serinus gas analysers is the result of more than 40 years’ experience and knowledge gained from operating significant air quality monitoring networks around the world. The Serinus range boast instruments that perform with precision to the highest standards across a diverse range of applications.

The Serinus range approved by LCSQA includes:

Please contact for more information about Serinus gas analysers approved by LCSQA for air quality monitoring in the French market,



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