Acoem Australasia invited to tender for new network of continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations in Delhi

20 Apr 2017

Acoem Australasia has been formally invited by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in Delhi, India to tender for “Data Display & Data Supply from Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations” under the innovative “Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT)” business model championed by the CPCB.

Acoem has significant on-the-ground presence in India including a large air monitoring equipment manufacturing plant in Indore, as well as maintenance, service and environmental monitoring teams across the country.
Pictured: Acoem field service technicians in Hyderabad.

Acoem Australasia’s Head of Finance, Hemal Bavishi, and Managing Director James Agius travelled to India to support the local Acoem India team and manage the tender response.

“It’s a significant opportunity for Acoem Australasia and we’re very proud to have made the shortlist of companies with the right technical and non-technical credentials invited by the CPCB to bid,” Hemal said. “We are doing everything we can to position ourselves to win and demonstrate that the CPCB has found the right partner they’ve been looking for.”

Boots on the ground in India 

Hemal is confident in Acoem Australasia’s credentials, including the fact that the company – founded in Australia 40 years ago – has a significant on-the-ground presence today in India including a large air monitoring equipment manufacturing plant and maintenance, service and environmental monitoring teams across the country.

“It’s a very competitive landscape in India and I have no doubt several respected companies will contest this prestigious contract,” he said. “I commend the CPCB in championing their innovative Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) business model as a way to achieve the long and short-term outcomes they’re looking for.”

Real and present danger

Awareness on the subcontinent of the challenging air pollution problem they face is real and present – with media reporting on the problem almost every day.

While Acoem Australasia is not in the business of addressing pollution itself, Hemal firmly believes that “knowledge is power” and gathering air quality monitoring data is a first – and essential – step to obtaining the knowledge we all need to make better, more informed decisions.


Ecotech Industries Private Limited, part of Acoem India was established in India in 2014 with a custom built, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh. Acoem has since consolidated its credentials and position in the subcontinent by establishing Acoem Monitoring Solutions Private Limited, a service entity with highly skilled technical staff providing air monitoring equipment service and maintenance. Acoem now employs close to 100 staff throughout India across manufacturing, servicing and maintenance of air quality equipment.

“According to the World Health Organisation, globally, air pollution causes one in eight deaths. It is the single biggest environmental health crisis we face,[1]” reflected Hemal. “‘Striving for a greater good’ is one of four key lenses through which Acoem sees our vision for the future. By giving the Indian Government access to best practice air monitoring technology and standards Acoem Australasia has implemented elsewhere in the world, we bring our future vision to life; just as we’ve done for different government environmental bodies for decades around the world including Australia, Cyprus and Taiwan.”

By having a substantial local presence in India, Acoem Australasia is extremely well-positioned and has the right Indian team to help and best support state and Central Pollution Control Boards across the country.

Find out more: Acoem’s direct presence in India




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