Acoem's facilities in France : Lissieu (69)

Lissieu (69), France

Manufacturing and Services

Acoustics | Vibration | DMA | Defence

Manufacturing activities in the headquarters have been transferred in October 2020,  15 min away to get a new production facilities tailored for services, efficiency and security. Lissieu is to date the largest facilities of Acoem with 41 employees. It houses all functions and is a service laboratory for Acoustics.

Certifications: ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015; MASE Versions 2014, ISO 45001:2018; ATEX ISO 80079-34; ISO 17025 : 2017; specific certification for EDF

Office functions

  • Manufacturing sensors and configuration to order for acoustics and vibration (incl ATD & Defence)
  • Service laboratory for Acoustics (LNE & Cofrac certification)


Acoem France it's...


Size m²


Production & service




Estimated capacity

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