ORION winner at the prestigious 2018 New Civil Engineer Tunnelling Awards

ORION vibration monitor wins major award for keeping London’s historic Bank district protected during underground construction.

Acoem’s innovative ORION smart vibration monitor was the big winner at the prestigious 2018 New Civil Engineer Tunnelling Awards – a celebration of global tunnelling expertise and project excellence – held in London earlier this month.

The award for Innovation in Technical Product or Equipment recognised ORION’s significant role in London Underground’s Bank Tube Station capacity upgrade project which is due for completion in 2020. Construction contractor, Spanish infrastructure giant Dragados, chose ORION for its unique ability to simultaneously capture vibration dose values, peak particle velocity data (that can cause building damage), and re-radiated noise as a result of vibration, in a single piece of monitoring equipment in real time.

Acoustic1, Acoem’s exclusive UK distributor was responsible for commissioning 12 ORION smart meters that have been placed in buildings, including banks and hotels, above the construction site, to measure vibration or noise exceedances as a result of tunnelling and excavation works. For the first time, accurate and easily accessible online data is allowing Dragados and environmental consultants working with individual properties to pinpoint the exact cause and origin of particular noise and vibration breaches.

For more information about ORION and Acoem’s suite of noise and vibration monitoring devices, visit www.acoem.com or contact us.

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