Acoem Dynoptic DSL-340 Installation - Refractory Manufacturing

Country: United-Kingdom

Executive Summary

A global manufacturer of glass products recently installed a number of Acoem DSL-340 particulate monitors on the exhaust stacks of a refractory manufacturing plant in India. The monitors were supplied and commissioned by Nevco Engineers Pvt Ltd, a long term sales channel partner of Acoem Dynoptic.

The Challenge

The main emissions created by refractory manufacture are CO2 and particulates from the sorting, crushing, heating and drying processes. Fossil fuels are burnt to generate the high temperatures needed to heat the kilns, emission monitoring is important to ensure the processes are under control.

The Solution

The Acoem Dynoptic DSL-340 uses the innovative Dynamic Detection Principle (DDP) which measures fluctuations in the intensity of a light beam using a Transceiver / Reflector arrangement. Increased dust or particulate density in the stack causes the amplitude of these fluctuations to increase. When calibrated against standard reference measurements, the amplitude of this signal relates directly to the particulate concentration in the stack and this can be presented as a reading in mg/m³.

The low-cost monitor is simple to install with power required only for the transceiver head, it is available with a range of configurations – depending on the stack diameter, operator interface requirements, power supply and type of air purge body.

To find out more about the Acoem Solutions, please get in touch with our experts.
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