Air samplers are an important tool in ensuring compliance and an effective environmental monitoring program. Our range of Air Samplers helps customers measure particulate matter for a variety of reasons including regulatory purposes, to activate dust suppression measures, to monitor fugitive emissions on the fenceline, for research, to measure impact on sensitive receptors or background monitoring to name a few reasons.
They are also equipped to varying measurement requirements like real time monitoring, compliance monitoring, remote data acquisition, solar powered solutions in remote areas, sample collection for subsequent analysis or very low detection limits. Whatever your particulate monitoring or sampling requirement, we have a proven solution.

HiVol 3000
High Volume Air Sampler
Increased urbanisation has accelerated the concentration of Particulate Matter (PM) in the environment, leading to adverse health effects for populations.
The HiVol 3000 particulate sampler performs remote unattended sampling of PM2.5, PM10 or TSP along with basic meteorological parameters.
The HiVol 3000 incorporates advanced programming functions and electronic volumetric flow control to maintain a consistent flow and collect a truly representative sample of particulate matter.
Optional attachments allow the sampler to measure wind speed and direction which can then be used to trigger sector selectable sampling (e.g. fence-line monitoring).
Advanced flow control system which gives true volumetric flow control using temperature and pressure sensors and mass flow rate sensor.
Wind direction and speed used to activate / de-activate sampler.
Low power consumption, long life blower motor with low noise operation.
RS232 output for data collection and remote communication.
Simple programming of sampling periods, including daily and weekly programs, with in-built ‘1-in-X day’ sampling capability.
Internal data logger stores time-based data averages at user selectable intervals.
Housed in a weatherproof enclosure for outdoor sampling in a range of environments.

Particulate Sampler E-FRM Reference
USEPA Designated PM2.5 FRM Particulate Sampler
Acoem presents Met One Instruments’ E-FRM is a single channel particulate sampler approved as a US-EPA reference method for PM2.5, PM10, PM10-2.5. Configured with an alternate PM2.5 cyclone, the E-FRM may also be operated as a US-EPA designated equivalent method for PM2.5. For ease of shipping, the E-FRM is nested in a compact package.
When installed, the package expands to normal sampling height, with sampler on top, separate pump box below within the work frame. The E-FRM sampler is designed for easy setup and deployment. This allows it to be used for either permanent long-term sampling at a fixed site, or as an audit sampler with frequent relocation.
- Designed and tested to meet all current EPA PM2.5 Federal Reference Method specifications.
- Accommodates one EPA PM2.5 reference method 47mm sample filter cassette.
- Compatible with the VSCC (Very Sharp Cut Cyclone) cyclone or the classic WINS Impactor for PM2.5 sampling.
- Manufactured and supported in the United States at our ISO-9001 certified facilities.

MicroVol 1100
Low volume air sampler
The MicroVol 1100 low volume air sampler provides a flexible sampling platform for PM10, PM2.5 or TSP particulates and basic meteorological parameters.
The MicroVol 1100 is designed for monitoring both indoor air quality as well as outdoor. The MicroVol 1100 is a low power, low noise instrument that can sample particulates in residential or workplaces whilst using minimal power and causing minimal distraction.
The MicroVol 1100 uses active volumetric flow control that maintains a constant flow rate (3LPM), ensuring accurate measurement of particulates no matter the particulate loading.
Micro Vol 1100 Features
Low power consumption
Ideal for indoor air quality studies
Volumetric flow control automatically corrected to standard reference temperature
Long life DC pump delivers flow rates of 1.0 to 4.5 L/min.
Wind direction and speed used to activate/de-activate sampler External trigger (0 – 5 VDC) can be used for activating sampling program
Fence line monitoring available with a network of samplers
Lightweight, rugged weatherproof construction
Can operate via battery or solar powered sources (optional).
RS232 output for data collection and remote communication
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