BC 1060 & BC 1065

Portable Black Carbon Monitor

The Acoem Met One BC 1060 Portable Black Carbon Monitor is quickly deployable for measuring black carbon with user-selectable time resolution down to  a minute. It  utilizes UV (370 nm) and IR (880 nm) illumination wavelengths for source identification, roadside monitoring, and emergency response. It can sample continuously for up to six months using a single roll of glass-fiber filter tape.

To simplify the difference between the BC 1060 and BC 1065:

  • BC 1060 is Portable, in its own weatherproof enclosure for rapid deployability with no need for a shelter.
  • BC 1065 is Rack-Mounted, for installation in laboratories or weatherproof enclosures with other equipment.


Dual Channels
Dual-wavelength illumination for accurate black carbon measurements and source apportionment (fossil vs. biomass)
Cloud Compatible
Connects to CCS COMET Cloud for remote data management
Flow Dilution System
Dilutes sample air for accurate measurements in high particulate environments
Self-contained Weatherproof Enclosure
Weather-resistant enclosure for outdoor deployment
Long-lasting operation
6-Month Operation per Tape Roll Sampling at 2 LPM
Highly Portable
Lightweight and portable for easy deployment

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Dual-Wavelength Illumination

The BC-1060 is equipped with dual-wavelength illumination at both UV (370 nm) and IR (880 nm), enabling it to measure and report black carbon concentrations with high precision, offering user-selectable time resolution down to one minute for timely and detailed data

Versatile Deployment and Applications

Due to its portability and dual-wavelength illumination, the BC-1060 can be rapidly and easily deployed on a broad scale, suitable for various applications including source apportionment (fossil fuel vs. biomass combustion) determination, roadside monitoring, and emergency responder applications

Long-Term Operation and Durability

The BC-1060 uses a standard tape measurement system with a 25-m long roll of glass-fiber tape, allowing for continuous sampling at a rate of 2 LPM. It can operate for up to 6 months without needing a filter tape replacement, and in highly polluted environments, its flow dilution system can extend the tape replacement frequency by up to a factor of five

Compact and Portable Design

The BC-1060 is self-contained within a weatherproof enclosure, making it ideal for quick deployment both indoors and outdoors, weighing approximately 35 lb. (16 kg) and having a small footprint for easy transport. It can be operated from either household power or battery, enhancing its convenience and flexibility.

Weatherproof Enclosure

The BC-1060 is housed in its weatherproof enclosure, which also contains its pump, providing protection from adverse weather conditions and making it ideal for quick deployment in various environments.

Flow Dilution System

For operation in highly polluted environments, the BC-1060 is equipped with a flow dilution system, extending the required frequency of tape replacement by up to a factor of five, thereby enhancing the device’s efficiency and longevity.


  • Ambient Monitoring
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Public & Workplace Monitoring
  • Smart Cities
  • Tunnel Monitoring
  • Climate Research
  • Emergency Response


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