Training or No Training, It’s a Leadership Question

It’s no secret that there is a shortage of skilled labor in manufacturing, specifically in machinery maintenance.

Therefore, those in leadership positions must answer the question “training or no training?”. Another way to look at it is, am I willing to invest in the workforce to better insure a more reliable operation?

I wrote a blog on The Three T’s in May of 2016. If you want a successful team, they need quality tools, quality training, and time. Time for the training and time to do the job right the first time. Having been in leadership positions, I learned quickly that a leader is only as successful as the team.

As we travel around the country providing training, I am always impressed with a company that provides good quality tools and good quality training for their workforce. I have often received feedback about improvements in reliability for their operation. It also is a moral booster for the men and women that maintain the equipment when the level of frustration is diminished.

In my mind, we cannot fore go investing in the workforce and run a successful business in the long term.

I am attaching a link to Acoem’s training website. We provide remarkable training! I think the most common response we get is “this is the best training I have ever had!”

Training Webpages

by Acoem contributor | September 6, 2022
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