Speaking to an audience of 80+ delegates, made up of renowned scientists, researchers and leaders of key environmental agencies including the Air Pollution Control Association, the National Environmental Science Academy (NESA) and the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB), Patrice detailed the significance of noise regulations, a relatively new concept in India. Patrice provided a series of relevant, thought provoking examples of noise and vibration advancements in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, China and Australia. He emphasised the importance of adapting regulations to the local culture and environment, and cautioned against implementing strict rules too quickly. “A step-by-step approach has a better chance of success, especially in a maturing market like India” he advised.
When pointing out the benefit of using fully integrated systems, Patrice commented that the recent merger between Acoem and Ecotech has given Ecotech and 01dB a distinct advantage, with the ability to provide complete system solutions for monitoring air, noise, water, vibration and dust. He added that this, coupled with the Acoem Group’s global footprint, sets it apart from other environmental monitoring companies.
01dB is the environmental stablemate of Ecotech; together forming the Environmental Business Unit of Acoem Group.