Acoem Industrial Reliability takes centre stage at the CBM + Reliability Connect conference

9 Nov 2023

Diagnosing and rectifying reliability challenges on diesel internal combustion engines is something that Acoem Reliability Engineer, Ty Smith has had decades of experience with. Ty will be presenting an informative paper on one of his successful projects at the 2023 CBM + Reliability Connect conference, being held in Perth, Western Australia from 14 to 16 November.

Ty Smith, Acoem’s Technical Sales Reliability Engineer, will present at CBM Connect on the 16th Nov 2023 in Perth, Australia

Showcasing class-leading reliability technology & solutions

The CBM live training conference gathers together Australia’s foremost vibration analysis, condition monitoring, reliability and predictive maintenance specialists who will be discussing best practice in rectification and technology for industrial applications.

In his insightful case study, entitled Excessive Genset Vibration At Hybrid Power Station, Ty will share his extensive knowledge of critical rotating machines and diesel engines and the challenges he helped an Australian hybrid power station overcome using the signature Acoem Falcon vibration analyser with its WLS tri-axial sensor, bump tests and coast up and coast down functions.

The hybrid power station that the case study is based on runs on solar panels during the day which charges the battery banks, and then at night the diesel engines turn on to keep the facility operating at maximum capacity 24 hours a day.

Minimising risk & downtime with precise diagnostics

In January 2023, the operators of the facility called on the services of an Acoem distributor due to the fact that two of the five generators they operated were not functioning efficiently.

An initial vibration audit measuring the resonance and checking for structural looseness/mounting configuration anomalies was conducted, and subsequent testing using Acoem equipment diagnosed unbalance and misalignment properties in both the time waveform and the frequency domain. Excessive vibration was coming from two enclosures causing fatigue to the hinges of the doors. The detrimental vibration was also visible on the exhaust stack and diesel fuel line.

The 1 megawatt – MTU 16V 2000 diesel internal combustion engine that required rectification (adjacent image)

Acoem capability & capacity

Ty’s thorough understanding of the machinery, coupled with the AI-driven automatic diagnostics of Acoem technology, led him to identify that the enclosure wasn’t installed correctly as per drawings, causing soft footing. A corrective action was raised to install a central footing to eliminate resonance. The remediation work performed resulted in much of the genset vibration being removed and most, if not all vibration, of adjoining fuel pipes. This and subsequent remediations led to an immediate and significant improvement in operational performance.

Fortunately, these proactive maintenance works helped the power station avoid complete machine failures and minimised the downtime required. Both Ty and this company’s management are hoping that reliability recommendations made by Acoem for future maintenance projects will help them avoid similar potential failures at their other power stations where structural fatigue can cause massive delays in production.

“I look forward to presenting this case study at the CBM + Reliability Connect conference and being able to share the positive results of this project with a wider audience – especially those that operate critical machinery and are looking to optimise their maintenance strategies,” commented Ty.

Ty will be presenting on Thursday, 16 November at 3pm. For further information, please contact Ty at

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