Cross bore tunnel airflow monitors versus single point solutions for ultrasonic tunnel airflow monitoring
Depending on tunnel design and conditions, you can choose between either a single point or cross bore ultrasonic airflow monitor. Typically, cross bore systems require more upfront investment and may be more complex to install, however they are considered to be highly accurate. While calculating an average airflow reading across the tunnel bore will provide more representative information, the system can only be installed if the tunnel’s design is suitable.
Limited head room above the traffic envelope, structural supports, cable trays and other obstacles may mean that a cross bore measurement system would not be viable.
In tunnels where cross bore instruments cannot be implemented, single point ultrasonic airflow monitoring systems are a practical alternative. When installed correctly with adequate clearance around the sensor, single point ultrasonic solutions will provide readings that accurately track the tunnel’s air velocity.
With easy installation, you can install a single point, reliable, ‘fit and forget’ tunnel air flow monitoring solution at a lower price.
At Acoem, we offer solutions for both cross bore and single point ultrasonic tunnel airflow monitoring and will work with you to ensure optimal performance based on your individual application or tunnel project requirements.