Cadence makes acoustic monitoring easier

Why choose Cadence?

Cadence is an environmental monitoring platform
where all information are gathered in one place.
Our intuitive solution lets anybody manage their
monitoring project with very simple tools to
save time in order to focus on their
core business.

Cadence in Figures:


The average of Data completeness with Acoem Solutions


the number of clic to pair a device


birth date of the oldest device compatible with Cadence

Using Cadence is an assurance for effective monitoring

No compromise on Measurement quality - Class 1
Robust solution, no discontinuity in measurements
Artificial intelligence algorithm to identify noise sources automatically
Intuitive alerts processing
Store data and get automatics reports
Take real-time actions and make informed decisions


Urban density is rising, yet noise pollution, ranked second by WHO after air pollution, remains a significant concern. Addressing this is vital for Smart City initiatives to improve urban safety and quality of life.

With Cadence, environmental monitoring becomes effortless. Enjoy an intuitive interface, real-time alerts for swift action, and automation, all readily available to save you time.

Integrate environmental indicators into your business with Cadence. Precisely measure industrial acoustic emissions for better control, fostering a harmonious environment and elevated performance.

Strike harmony between productivity and the environmental impact. Cut costs, optimize clamping plans, and foster community acceptance. Elevate wind farm efficiency with Cadence.

Cadence revolutionizes airport noise management by providing precise measurements tailored to each airport’s size, from small structures to international hubs. Additionally, community engagement fosters better neighbour relations and acceptance of airport activities. Elevate airport performance and community quality of life with Cadence.

Cadence makes it simple. An intuitive display ensures quick understanding and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Delivering a tool facilitating the monitoring for your application with Cadence

Manage quickly your alerts in real-time

Audio recording and tag audio

Heatmap and DATA in real-time

Cadence, the heart of your solution: from the device to the right level of service

Discover the Acoem device compatible with Cadence

MicroVol 1100

Low volume air sampler


MicroVol 1100

Low volume air sampler


Petroleum Refinery Weather Station


Acoem Air Sampling System

Model includes parts ECO-1010, ECO-1011, ECO-1025 and 8307


They trust Acoem

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Start mastering your impact on the environment.

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