As reliance on solar farms continue to grow, and communities increase their reliance on solar energy, Acoem continues to provide the only NATA-accredited pyranometer calibration service in Australia.
According to Acoem Australasia Field Services Technician, Stephen Tonniges, who is based in Dubbo, NSW, it is essential to get your pyranometer calibrated every year. When working correctly, pyranometers provide accurate indications of solar output and alert operators to solar panels that may not be working as efficiently as they could be.
Regular calibration ensures optimal performance
With time, pyranometers’ sensitivity can change and drift, so regular calibration is part of a quality management system that provides verification that your solar irradiance sensor is stable and operating accurately.
Pyranometers can be used not only for solar farms, but also for agricultural, ecological and hydrological weather networks.
“Dubbo is the perfect place to test pyranometers as it has the ideal balance between high solar intensity and cloudless days. It’s no coincidence that the Dubbo area also has a large concentration of solar farms,” Stephen said.
“Continuous and high levels of solar intensity (sunshine) are essential to ensure your instrument has been precisely calibrated to the highest standard.”