18 Oct 2017
Every year Acoem Australasia (previously known as Ecotech) runs training events for its environmental distributors in the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. In May 2017, it held the European training event at the Acoem headquarters in Lyon, France.

Rhys Evans, Acoem Australasia’s Senior Technical Specialist [pictured third from left] delivered annual training for environmental solutions European distribution partners at Acoem’s headquarters in Lyon, France in May.
The three-day training event conducted by Senior Technical Specialist Rhys Evans, was tailored to the needs of Acoem environmental solution distribution partners, international technicians and field service staff. The training was a combination of theoretical and practical sessions, giving participants hands-on experience trouble-shooting simulated activities using Acoem Serinus™ gas analysers and Airodis™ software.
Training attendees included technical and support staff from major Acoem European distributors including ECM Austria, ECM Slovakia, ECM Ukraine, Matt Monitors, Sartec, Envilyse, European Tech Serv (ETS) Belgium and Techno Instruments.
Building knowledge, networks and synergies
In addition to Acoem instrumentation training, the European participants had the opportunity to also learn about noise and vibration monitoring products through an informative presentation by Stéphane Bloquet, former Acoem Noise and Vibration’s (01dB’s) Business Unit Director (pictured above first from left).
With the announcement of the integration of Ecotech into Acoem in February 2017, the air and noise and vibration arms of the business became stablemates in the Acoem Environment division. Different but complementary product and service offerings empower each team and their respective distributors to deliver an integrated single offering for noise and environmental monitoring to new and existing customers.
“Working together creates synergies for our products and networks,” said Stéphane. “It was fantastic to show that working together as a united Acoem team makes sense. I also had the opportunity to spend time with Rhys and get to know him on both a professional and personal level. Moments like these are important for the future we want to build.”
With dozens of instruments to service for their clientele, it’s essential that distributors stay up to date with Acoem technological changes and product developments. Focusing on core product lines, these training sessions are an invaluable tool for consolidating international relationships and providing ongoing support to Acoem’s distribution partners.

Acoem environmental solutions distributors were given a combination of theoretical and practical training sessions over three days, providing technicians and support staff hands-on experience trouble-shooting simulated activities using Acoem Serinus™ gas analysers and Airodis™ software.
Training participant Steven Lambrecht, Service Engineer from ETS NV, Belgium had this to say after three days training, “Rhys did a great job and now it’s time for me to get my hands dirty!”
For more information about Acoem distribution partner training events please contact Technical Support at email@acoem.com