Qualifying the Acoem Level When Using a Fixture

The LEVEL is calibrated to earth level out of the box.

If the Level is used without a fixture it reads level directly. If a fixture is used, however, you must first qualify the level with the fixture. This is a very simple procedure when using the NXA.

Level measured with no fixture
Mount the Level securely to a fixture and touch the “zero” icon on the NXA display unit screen
Rotate the Level w/fixture 180 degrees

Touch ½ icon, on the NXA display unit screen, to halve the values. Note values compared to the reading without the fixture. *The sign is now negative since the level was flipped 180 degrees. Both indicate the left side along the base is the low side.

Level measured using a fixture (note level orientation)
Level measured with no fixture (note level orientation)

Additional Resources


Level: How it Works

by Acoem contributor | July 25, 2023
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