When setting up a machine in the Nest you can choose either fixed speed, variable speed with keyboard, variable speed DC or variable speed rotational trigger. For this blog post I’ll limit our discussion to fixed speed and variable speed with keyboard.

If you are on a VFD driven machine you will want to select Variable speed with keyboard. If the machine is an across the line start or simply put runs at the name plate speed it’s a fixed speed machine. When you select the variable speed option it will input an additional reading to your machine set up to collect RPM. You can control what location this reading appears at by selecting a specific bearing location and clicking it and the selecting the Variable speed reference point in your machine schematic as seen below.

Once you have this machine in a route or loaded to your Falcon and you select it to collect data you’ll have an operating point that looks like the image below.

When you get this screen, you have a few options to input the actual speed of the machine. You can push the acquisition button in either the top left or top right of the screen and you will get the following screen.

If the exact RPM is known you can input it now, if not there is another avenue built into the Falcon to assist. In the lower left corner is the shortcut menu to a set of extra tools the tool has. Once you open it you can select Stroboscope.

After this you’ll be at a screen that will allow you to use the strobe to pinpoint the speed. CPM = RPM
Once you have that speed select cancel and go back operating point an input the speed you found.
When using the Accurex automatic diagnosis or even reviewing data independently you’ll need to be able to pin point RPM for a though analysis.
Now, if you’re collecting data on a machine that is a fixed speed you may still need to adjust the RPM a bit for a thorough diagnosis. The Falcon can tell if the speed you input in your set up is different from the actual. If this is the case, you’ll see a on the screen a message indicating the RPM is potentially incorrect and if you want to modify it. If so, it will automatically take you to the stroboscope feature mentioned above and you can find the actual RPM and simply select save and then re-diagnose.